Chapter 08

The reason for starting a blog is to get a wide variety in public feedback. I have my ideas and i love to share them, but if my opinion is wrong i would love to hear about it. Or maybe give me some more reasons to feel more confident with my opinion. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I'm sad, I'm angry and ashamed...

Theo van Gogh was murdered today. Today is a dark page in Dutch democracy and the freedom of speech. Theo was a great controversive columnist and cinematographer.
At this moment of writing there are two minutes of silence for the man. And the main square in Amsterdam. The square is loaded with people. And in a way it is beautiful. But this has no effect on politics on the long run. Nothing will really change. And i feel ashamed to be Dutch. The idea of me leaving this country permanently is only strengthened. I don't like to live here anymore, and i just got another reason to leave. There aren't many countries that do better. But i will find that country.

Theo's words were not always what people wanted to hear. But it was his truth and in my opinion he was right a lot of the time. Controversy was his for debating. Get people to think about what is going on around them. I wish there more people as outspoken as he was.

Most likely Theo was murdered for his ideas about the Islam. He thought it was conservative, and yes he was right. His last short-film was made with a Dutch female ethnic islamic politcian. This film probably was the reason for his death. The film was called "submission" and shed some light on the rights of islamic women. Allah supposedly made men stronger so they could prtect their women. But the wife in this film would feel the strengt of her husband on her face at least once a week. One could see the brutality the man had used towards his wife. There were women shown with verses from the koran on their back. The verses were about the right women have, no rights. A brutal and shocking film of the truth. And in what world is it wrong to show the truth? A world that i do not want to live in.

Monday, November 01, 2004

6th Sense

There are 5 scientific proven senses known to man. The eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth and the skin. In my opinion however there are at least 6 senses. And i want to talk about the sixth one. With most people this sense is conscious on an unconscious level. We experience it everyday, but we don't realise it.
Bear in mind this is not a religious piece, but i will be using some terminology derived from modern religion.

The sixth sense is our soul. It's sometimes referred to as; following your heart or having a gut feeling. Simply they are your primary instincts.
The soul is a invisible organ that senses energy levels and their polarity. It's even bigger then our visible body. The main sensory points in the body called chakra's. I was once heard there are about 360 of these sensory points. Anybody can feel the energy, may it be conscious or unconsciously. Some even claim to see the soul in different colours. I have never seen these colours, in my opinion the people who do see this probably have a healthy level of imagination and a deeper understanding of being.
The one visible point of reference for me are the eyes, they are not called the windows to the soul for nothing. You can see in someone's eyes what energy patterns are there. And thus revealing their personality.

I would like to take this all a step further. I think each soul is part of something larger. All souls combined give us a global sixth sense.
And then there is God. God is living in your soul and therefor everyone is a god. A god of their own life. Everyone can consciously walk their path in life. Make their choices. I do not believe in a divine spirit. Each and everyone has this divinity buried deep inside. All living creatures are part of the sixth sense. Where people are trying to survive, love and in the pursuit of pleasure. The balance with nature is delicate. Just like the energy balance of your soul.

Another piece i am studying and therefor is not finished. It would be interesting thought to see the opinions of others.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Eating with moral values

Just came home from a night in town. It was pretty good, i met one my friends an a few of his friends i didn't know. It was a good, but there is something i can't get of my mind.

I told these guys that i want to travel the world. In a certain region in China it very common to eat dog. Or if i went to visit my friend in Norway i would try whale if the occasion was there. To me it is not about morals with which i was raised, but about experiencing the local culture. I understand why by western standards it is not done to eat these animals. How can you truly know if this is where you draw the line. How can a straight honestly tell you he is straight if he has never tried anything with another male?

Why are there moral objection to other cultures and do we see them as a barbaric acts? I was judged on my age here. These guys where around 36 and i am 24. To me that was a way to justify my ideas for them. But how can one truly oppose a culture with which they don't understand. I really want to understand these different cultures. And food to me is an vital part of a culture. People in Cambodia eat deep fried spiders, and in some African cultures it is normal to eat certain larva. We may not understand their ideas, but i can't judge their moral values until i understand reasons for doing so.

Are the morals i was raised with the standard to life or is there more to it for those who dare to dare venture further into the unknown. What is the real difference i owning a dog and not it eat it because of moral standards and by owning a fish and eating it? Are people around just narrow-minded or am i just being naive?