Chapter 08

The reason for starting a blog is to get a wide variety in public feedback. I have my ideas and i love to share them, but if my opinion is wrong i would love to hear about it. Or maybe give me some more reasons to feel more confident with my opinion. Thanks!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Eating with moral values

Just came home from a night in town. It was pretty good, i met one my friends an a few of his friends i didn't know. It was a good, but there is something i can't get of my mind.

I told these guys that i want to travel the world. In a certain region in China it very common to eat dog. Or if i went to visit my friend in Norway i would try whale if the occasion was there. To me it is not about morals with which i was raised, but about experiencing the local culture. I understand why by western standards it is not done to eat these animals. How can you truly know if this is where you draw the line. How can a straight honestly tell you he is straight if he has never tried anything with another male?

Why are there moral objection to other cultures and do we see them as a barbaric acts? I was judged on my age here. These guys where around 36 and i am 24. To me that was a way to justify my ideas for them. But how can one truly oppose a culture with which they don't understand. I really want to understand these different cultures. And food to me is an vital part of a culture. People in Cambodia eat deep fried spiders, and in some African cultures it is normal to eat certain larva. We may not understand their ideas, but i can't judge their moral values until i understand reasons for doing so.

Are the morals i was raised with the standard to life or is there more to it for those who dare to dare venture further into the unknown. What is the real difference i owning a dog and not it eat it because of moral standards and by owning a fish and eating it? Are people around just narrow-minded or am i just being naive?