Chapter 08

The reason for starting a blog is to get a wide variety in public feedback. I have my ideas and i love to share them, but if my opinion is wrong i would love to hear about it. Or maybe give me some more reasons to feel more confident with my opinion. Thanks!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

More Tree Hugging Hippy Crap!

Yes i will be writing about the environmental problem we are faced with today. It is something that does occupy my thoughts every now and then. The most accepted cause for the problems with our environment is global warming. The warming of the planet surface due to our own CO2 pollution. Which does seem logical. But there is a new concept that is just as logical. It's called global dimming. This means that our pollution reflects sunlight back into the atmosphere, and thus cooling down the earth. This actually has been proven, and i don't believe global warming is actually proven to warm up the earth. Fact is that in Siberia in the last 30 years sun radiance reaching the planet surface has been reduced by 30%. This is an extreme but similar result have been recorded around the globe. The fact also is that the earth is warming up. But is it our pollution? The global dimming study contradicts this. It suggest if we would cut down on the pollution we would speed up the global warming process. In Europe pollution has been cut down marginally over the past few decades. And this also suggests that the reduction in pollution is causing the global warming.

This actually sounds logical and therefor justifies some countries not signing the Kyoto treaty. Among the countries we find the United States, Australia, China and India. The latter two have booming economies and will increase pollution. Just because these countries need more oil. These two countries combined represent 50% of the earths population. So that's a lot. And the United States are already responsible for a third of all pollution. So these countries combined will be responsible for something like 80% of the pollution. Any other country willing to work on pollution, doesn't have a real chance for success. And is it worth it? As Europe tries hard to cut back on CO2 emissions we need to deal with the result. And a prefect example, tough speculative, is the summer of 2003. Bush-fires raged across southern Europe. The summer was extremely hot. And in Holland it pretty much broke all records of the past 100 years.

All in all the global dimming theory is my favourite. But can we do? Fact is that oil reserves are diminishing. In 25 years virtually all sources for oil will be emptied or too expensive to exploit. Our economy is addicted to oil. What used to be a gold standard has become an oil-standard. Pretty much everything we value is connected to the oil business. Even the food we eat, the soap we wash ourselves with. We are completely and utterly depended on oil. So where does that leave us in 25 years? Technology is moving forward fast enough right now to solve this problem in 25 years. We will need to invest in the future and we need to do it now. Government are too afraid to invest, due to the current economical situation. Well wake up guys, it isn't going to be better. Oil prices will keep on rising and we will need people from to step forward and invest in the future, because we can't rely on our governments. They can only see the short-term projections. And if we don't something quickly we might as well be living is the early 1900's. Nuclear fusion is the answer, but the technology isn't perfect yet. There is still a long way to go before this technology has reached a point where is economically viable. And its an even longer road before the technology is implemented enough to sustain the demand. If no one is willing to step and invest in the future, we will be spiralling farther down, until there is a complete worldwide economical crash. And what follows is complete social chaos. During the industrial revolution people weren't afraid to invest. Why are we today?

This said, say we do develop the technology for clean energy in time, so we can all benefit from it. We are faced with the problem that the global dimming is reduced and eventually virtually non existent. It means more healthy clean air. But we will be warming up the planet. And this is destructive as well. Reducing pollution isn't something we need worry about to much. It will be reduced anyway, as soon as we run out of oil. There is no choice in the end. Therefor i believe we should look farther into the future. What is going to happen when global warming really hits us. Because as i see it now, we are just speeding up the process now. What we are dealing with is a natural phenomenon that has been happening to earth countless times in all the thousands years of it's existence. We might just be closer to the sun now. There is a normal pattern in the earths rotational movement that brings it closer to the sun. But the sun is also getting bigger, and thus making it warmer here. Maybe pollution was the best thing that happened to us. It gave us more time to deal with the real problem at hand, if only we understood it in time.

I can only speculate what will happen, and there are many people who have a good idea about it, but i feel like they aren't heard. Or at least not enough. Well my next point on the agenda is to buy a really old diesel car. That should give us some time.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Religion is Poison

This is something that has been occupying my mind for quite a while. The statement itself is a bold one considering the last events in The Netherlands over the past 2 weeks. The title alone is enough for some people to send a bullet between my eyes.

But is also why i need to make this statement, since religion is the cause of almost all terror we see around us. Virtually every political dispute is over some sort of religious idea. I have never been a real advocate of religion and i have a strong opinion about what the effects are on people and what it actually tells me about their personalities.

To me it's all a fairy-tale. A glorified tale of some ancient fact that totally lost their purpose in the struggle for power throughout the past two millennia. Religion has become a tool for those who seek power. First it was the Catholic church, their mission seemed to be to eradicate any person who opposed the ideas of the church. Many died for the cause of the church. I honestly wonder who has more deaths to their name, the church or Hitler. I have not enough knowledge to make this a fact, but i think Hitler was a sweet little choirboy compared to what the church has done. And lets not forget who the church sided with in the second world war.
All in all with the right marketing skills we could have been believing in Cinderella. And even in this fairy-tale we could have found some extremist ideas. You can read anything between the lines if your looking for it. There are no facts left in religion just lies.

I might have my opinion about religion, but i do not oppose ones personal believes, everyone should be free to choose their faith. If it gives you strength, you should be free to exercise this. What does appear to be a problem in society, is when religion is exercised in public. When it gets mixed up with politics.
Religion should be like sex, it's private. And I'm not really sure on my position here though. But in a way it would seem better if no one would visually express their faith. But on the other hand i think everyone reserves the right to show their personality and thus their faith. So the contradiction of both raises a new question. I have my ideas about what religion should be, but i can't and i won't enforce it anyone. And it will be impossible to actually show the world what is right in my opinion. It's my opinion, and why should anyone listen it. It's not a word from G'd (in respect for our fellow Jewish citizens).
I am in the process of writing a piece on my faith, which is a combination of the essence of Christianity with Taoistic ideas and a hint of Bhuddism. In the end i believe it covers all religious believes. But more on this in a later article.

The problem that i am faced with now is the question of what really is the cause of all political issues in relation to religion. What is the common relation between the Roman Empire, Muslim extremists, the Spanish Inquisition, Northern Ireland, the Ku Klux Klan, World War II and the Israeli Palestinian conflict? Just a few obvious conflicts but is it really nothing more then power?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I'm sad, I'm angry and ashamed...

Theo van Gogh was murdered today. Today is a dark page in Dutch democracy and the freedom of speech. Theo was a great controversive columnist and cinematographer.
At this moment of writing there are two minutes of silence for the man. And the main square in Amsterdam. The square is loaded with people. And in a way it is beautiful. But this has no effect on politics on the long run. Nothing will really change. And i feel ashamed to be Dutch. The idea of me leaving this country permanently is only strengthened. I don't like to live here anymore, and i just got another reason to leave. There aren't many countries that do better. But i will find that country.

Theo's words were not always what people wanted to hear. But it was his truth and in my opinion he was right a lot of the time. Controversy was his for debating. Get people to think about what is going on around them. I wish there more people as outspoken as he was.

Most likely Theo was murdered for his ideas about the Islam. He thought it was conservative, and yes he was right. His last short-film was made with a Dutch female ethnic islamic politcian. This film probably was the reason for his death. The film was called "submission" and shed some light on the rights of islamic women. Allah supposedly made men stronger so they could prtect their women. But the wife in this film would feel the strengt of her husband on her face at least once a week. One could see the brutality the man had used towards his wife. There were women shown with verses from the koran on their back. The verses were about the right women have, no rights. A brutal and shocking film of the truth. And in what world is it wrong to show the truth? A world that i do not want to live in.

Monday, November 01, 2004

6th Sense

There are 5 scientific proven senses known to man. The eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth and the skin. In my opinion however there are at least 6 senses. And i want to talk about the sixth one. With most people this sense is conscious on an unconscious level. We experience it everyday, but we don't realise it.
Bear in mind this is not a religious piece, but i will be using some terminology derived from modern religion.

The sixth sense is our soul. It's sometimes referred to as; following your heart or having a gut feeling. Simply they are your primary instincts.
The soul is a invisible organ that senses energy levels and their polarity. It's even bigger then our visible body. The main sensory points in the body called chakra's. I was once heard there are about 360 of these sensory points. Anybody can feel the energy, may it be conscious or unconsciously. Some even claim to see the soul in different colours. I have never seen these colours, in my opinion the people who do see this probably have a healthy level of imagination and a deeper understanding of being.
The one visible point of reference for me are the eyes, they are not called the windows to the soul for nothing. You can see in someone's eyes what energy patterns are there. And thus revealing their personality.

I would like to take this all a step further. I think each soul is part of something larger. All souls combined give us a global sixth sense.
And then there is God. God is living in your soul and therefor everyone is a god. A god of their own life. Everyone can consciously walk their path in life. Make their choices. I do not believe in a divine spirit. Each and everyone has this divinity buried deep inside. All living creatures are part of the sixth sense. Where people are trying to survive, love and in the pursuit of pleasure. The balance with nature is delicate. Just like the energy balance of your soul.

Another piece i am studying and therefor is not finished. It would be interesting thought to see the opinions of others.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Eating with moral values

Just came home from a night in town. It was pretty good, i met one my friends an a few of his friends i didn't know. It was a good, but there is something i can't get of my mind.

I told these guys that i want to travel the world. In a certain region in China it very common to eat dog. Or if i went to visit my friend in Norway i would try whale if the occasion was there. To me it is not about morals with which i was raised, but about experiencing the local culture. I understand why by western standards it is not done to eat these animals. How can you truly know if this is where you draw the line. How can a straight honestly tell you he is straight if he has never tried anything with another male?

Why are there moral objection to other cultures and do we see them as a barbaric acts? I was judged on my age here. These guys where around 36 and i am 24. To me that was a way to justify my ideas for them. But how can one truly oppose a culture with which they don't understand. I really want to understand these different cultures. And food to me is an vital part of a culture. People in Cambodia eat deep fried spiders, and in some African cultures it is normal to eat certain larva. We may not understand their ideas, but i can't judge their moral values until i understand reasons for doing so.

Are the morals i was raised with the standard to life or is there more to it for those who dare to dare venture further into the unknown. What is the real difference i owning a dog and not it eat it because of moral standards and by owning a fish and eating it? Are people around just narrow-minded or am i just being naive?

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Arrogance of Individualism

By todays standards we are are in-explicitly told to be individualistic. It's the demise of western society. I can walk into 98% of my local bars and as soon as you get in you could feel lonely, even when you are with friends. Making contact with the unknown neighbour has never been harder. People stick with what they know and don't dare to venture further than their own knowledge of the people around them.

I'm a strong believer in egoism and narcism, but i oppose individualism. To my knowledge and experience of modern society egoism and narcism are means to excel in society.

e·go·ism n
1. See egotism n. 1
2. making personal welfare and interests your primary or only concern, sometimes at the expense of others
3. the belief that the correct basis for a moral code is every person’s concern for his or her own best interests, or the doctrine supporting this belief

nar·cis·sism n
1. excessive self-admiration and self-centredness
2. in psychiatry, a personality disorder characterised by the patient’s overestimation of his or her own appearance and abilities and an excessive need for admiration.

To my belief the above statements of the mentioned terms are wrong, or misinterpreted. Egoism is something that is about yourself and goes hand in hand with narcissism. A person can can not be part of a fully function society without a good portion of self love. In my opinion it is impossible to love or help another person without being able to help yourself and love yourself. A person who is not able to deal with their own problems cannot be their for support when their own friends need them.
Therefor egoism and narcissism are necessary to deal with yourself and respect yourself. Egoism is one of the term that truly is misinterpreted by modern society. Ego simply stands for me/I. And what is more important than yourself? In any situation it is important to assess what gives you the best results, what benefits you the most. And to me narcissism means nothing more than self-love. So egoism and narcissism are more deeply intwined than most people dare to admit. That's exactly where lies the problem.
This is precisely what is the problem in modern western society. People are afraid to love themselves and put their own interests in first place. When people are willing to except these terms as powerful tools for their own benefit they are able to grow even further on a social and personal level. If you are able to master this there will be no need for psychiatrists. All you need are your friends and family to listen and give you feedback. Feedback is essential for personal growth, no one has ever managed to truly grow in a self-enclosed environment. But the best advice from your environment comes from those who have mastered the art of egoism and narcissism. Even-though they may not admit this because these terms are not socially accepted by society. Hopefully one day people will see the essentials of these terms and the true power that lies within these words.

This is my first post, so bear with my as a newbie to blogging...
This article is in no way finished but merely a start to get more feedback for evolvement of this statement. Therefor i hope to receive some feedback on these articles with personal experience.